Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.31 - Bring On The Music

To Be Completely Honest


To be completely honest I have no idea what "hickory dickory dock" means. I suppose I could take a minute and google it and come up with exactly what it means and its origins and who wrote it and the other facts about the song. However, I'm afraid that all that information will take away the special place this song holds in my heart. You see, I grew up on Hickory Street and to all the kids growing up on Hickory, this song had a whole different meaning. There was about 8 of us that ran around back then and when someone sang that song I think all of us swore it was written for us. (we were very young and what the heck was a "dickory dock" anyway). Even now, much older and many miles and years between today and those old days, I still think of Hickory Street and how moms house is still there and how we raced our bikes up and down it and we all grew up there and kissed our first girl there and learned everything we needed to get old and move on and outgrow those days. So, I think maybe I do know what a "hickory dickory dock" is but I am pretty sure it is not what you may find if go out and google it. With that... Enjoy!
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.29 - Blue

I Have To Stop Dreaming Of Other Places


I get blue. It is winter here. It is cold. It gets dark early. I look outside the window now and all I see is white, broken up by the color of the other houses and passing cars. Everything else is covered white. There is no grass or pavement or leaves or trees. It is all white and I need to stop dreaming of other places when it is like this. I am going to leave it at that and go warm up my coffee and see what everyone else in the house is doing. I hear laughter downstairs and isn't there a saying that is something like, "where there is laughter, there is warmth"? Well, if not, then I just made that one up and you can quote me on it. I guess that is it for now... With that.. Enjoy!
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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.27 - Happiness

I Will Take Two Of Those And Call You In The Morning


I know this seems obvious but you really gotta do what you makes you happy. I'm going to go on a limb here and say that most of us pass most of our days doing a whole bunch of stuff that we do for every other reason but happiness. Odds are there is a job you that would rather not be done and then there is all the time you waste in a car daydreaming in a traffic jam or in a line somewhere or you can insert another place you were or thing you did that was for every other reason than happiness. I can think of a few off hand right now but I'll save those for another day. Then there are the other times, the times in between those moments when you find yourself doing something that actually makes you happy and you are doing it for no other reason other than it makes you happy. I know this seems off track with this painting but it isnt. This is one of those times for me. The time when you allow yourself to paint a silly portrait and paste it to a silly wood veneer and the only reason is because it makes you smile when you do it. Does there always need to be a reason other than that? I hope not. With that... Enjoy!

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.24 - Sized Perfectly

Sized And Measured Perfectly


Behind me the entire wall is painted with a diamond pattern that is sized and measured perfectly so the pattern of diamonds fit perfectly within the space. Only one wall in the studio is painted this way. Each diamond is about 18 inches tall to give you an idea of the size. I didn't paint the diamonds. She did. I could not paint something so perfect. She can. Her stuff is perfect. Always. Im not using the word "perfect" with any hint of a derogatory tone. She doesn't strive for perfection, everything just seems to end up that way. When I sit here at the desk and look at these lines and colors and scribbles and ink and acrylic and words I can see these big perfect diamonds out of the corner of my eye I am in awe because she can do it all in one piece of work where I keep doing another and another and another and never quite getting there. I guess that sums us up her and I. Her lines and shapes are perfect and my lines and shapes don't strive to be. They are both there and have thier value and need each other to reinforce what makes each one unique. With that... Enjoy!
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.22 - Old Friend

Talking Over The Dull Sound Of People


We ran into each other as I was walking out of the pub. This was the second time I had bumped into someone that I knew walking out of that bar in as many times as I had been there. It was good to see him again. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of years. He looked a little older as I am sure I did too. We talked for a long time even though it was cold and the snow was falling but I was warm with beer and he appeared warm with his hat and scarf and gloves (Classic Michigan attire) and we just kept talking over the dull sound of people laughing and talking from inside the bar. We finally parted ways. He went inside the bar and I walked down the sidewalk toward my car and the voices faded away behind me until it was just the sound of my feet and the hot air coming from my mouth and nose and the thought that it is nights like these that are perfect for coming together with old friends. Well, here is to him and to old friends and to the time and distance that separates. With that... Enjoy!
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.18 - Botched Interview

She Kept Wanting Me To Think Like Her About My Art
9" x 12" x 1.5" - Acrylic and Ink on Canvas


The lady who was interviewing me said thought that most traditional galleries would never take on my work because it relies too much on the words to complete the piece of artwork. I couldn't think of anything else to say, so I said, “I think it is because I'm not a very good painter.” trying to joke my way out of going through this conversation again. “I don't think that is true. I just think the words can interfere with the viewing experience.” She said. “Well, I'm not worried too much about the galleries. If I was to write a list of reasons why I paint day in and day out, you would not find the words, “Get Into A Gallery” anywhere on that list.” I replied. There was an awkward silence. This conversation always ends up this way. I never get why some people have such a hard time with the words. “I guess I like to think that I am not just making a painting. I hope it is more than that. I hope that it all helps create a relationship with the viewer, the subject and myself.” “ Do you think it works?” she asked. This went on for another 10 minutes or so and we weren't getting anywhere and I could tell she was not happy with how this was going and after we hung up the phone I sat quietly for a minute and thought again why I am doing all this with the paints and the words and long hours and the tired mornings and realized I should probably get back to the paints and finish this painting and just keep doing what I do.... Enjoy!

(Note: I never did hear from her again and the interview never got published.)
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.17 - Ninja 1 of 8 - Japanese Series

Ninja 1 - Japanese Series


I have said many times over the years that to many people take thier artwork way to seriously. That is not to say that artwork does not have an important role in our lives or in our day to day meandering but when it comes down to it I just remind myself that there is a reason why the brain surgeon gets paid the big bucks. Enter the Ninja. Those of you who follow my work are familiar with this idea. Every art collection, no matter how serious, needs one. Shoot the more serious the better. Sitting there in your art collection, just waiting for the moment to unleash it's fury, the ninja will strike when the time is right. Be careful. Respect the ninja and respect is what you will be given in return... it is the ninja way...Enjoy you art!
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.16 - Vodka Cranberry

A Night of Cranberry and Herbert


I feel I have been tucked away at the desk for a long time tonight. I have been sipping on a vodka and cranberry and I'm sure that there is a real bartender name for that drink but it seems irrelevant as I listen to Gwyneth Herbert (Hi Gwyn!) on the computer speakers and think about how simple things can become when you are sitting alone in a room listening to good music and sipping a vodka and cranberry. I suppose sometimes it is just as easy to complicate things in those situations too. For now though, we will keep it simple. As I write this, my phone is ringing downstairs and I know I should answer it (everyone does don't they?) but for now the desk is just right, the cranberry is just right and the music is just right... Enjoy!
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Monday, December 15, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.15 - Music Does The Body Good

Think Of The Music You Can Make


This is the fifth in the guitar chord series: DM7. I have to be honest with you, this was a chord that I struggled with for a long time. I think it was just that I don't have the biggest of hands. It also probably had something to do with the fact that I wasnt super intersted in learning all the chords in the book. So, sometimes I would come up against a chord that my fingers didnt like and I would just skip it. (that is easy to do as long as your are keeping your guitar playing to your parents basement.) Anyway, eventually the fingers got around this one and it gets handed out just like the others and those days seem so long ago when I just skipped it because it didnt feel right. I guess if you give anything enough time, you can learn to live with it and even grow with it. Think of the music you can make with the more chords you have in your bag. With that...Enjoy!
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

2009 Keemo Calendars Are Here!

2009 Keemo Calendar - Limited Edition

On Ebay | In The KeemoStore

Once upon a time there once was a London design firm named Made In Earnest who was putting together a calendar for 2009. At this same time, many miles away, there was a painter named Keemo who was busily creating paintings. Magically, the sound of Keemo's brush strokes travelled across the ocean and landed into the ears of Made In Earnest. Made In Earnest decided to seek out the source of this sound for they knew it was this brush that they were destined to have for their calendar. It was only a matter of time before Made in Earnest was able to locate the source of that brush stroke and a friendship was made and a calendar was created and the world was saved. Oh wait, the saving the world part isn't true but all the rest is, I swear!

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.12 - David Lynch

Accidental Portrait Of David Lynch On Paper From 1870


Hello, my name is Keemo and I have an addiction. I am a Lyncho-o-holic. Yes, it is true. I am addicted to all things David Lynch. From Special Agent Cooper to Inland Empire, I can't get enough. I am not going to attempt to explain the reasons why because I think his work says it best. (Maybe it is simply because he is one of the few people I have heard use the word "golly" like he actually meant it.) Anyway, I'm not going to go on and on about this one and just let it speak for itself.... Enjoy!
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.09 - Winter

Right Thing To Do At The Right Moment With The Right Person


The snow has been falling for three days straight. We bundle up in coats, hats, gloves, scarves and boots and we take walks around the neighborhood and it is usually dark and the snow appears to be falling directly from the streetlights and collects on trees, cars, buildings, houses, street signs and us as we walk and the hot breath steams from our mouths and we make small talk and catch up with each other after being apart for the day. These walks are beautiful and so is she under the streetlights and the falling snow and on the way up the drive I grabbed a couple snow covered frozen branches and gave them to her like snow flowers and I know it sounds cheezy but it didnt feel cheezy at the time as it somehow seemed the right thing to do at the right moment with the right person in the right place. So, with that, here is to people that walks were made for and if you know someone like this I highly recommend you put on your shoes and go see what is happening under your feet... Enjoy!

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Friday, December 5, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.05 - We Are Not So Different

We Are Not So Different, You And I


When I was younger I used to feel like there was no one like me. I clung to that idea for a long time and sometimes even consciously attempted to reinforce the idea. As I got older I realized that I was not that different from everyone else and that everyone else is not that different from everyone else and somehow we all end up worrying about the same things and doing essentially the same things day in and day out and while the details may be a bit different, the overall progression of our days are very similar. Im not sure exactly where I am heading with this or what point I am necessarily trying to make. I suppose I made it already and if my theory holds true, that we are not so different, you and I, then you already get what I am saying and I can stop with all this right here... Enjoy!
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.02 - Music For The Masses

These Are The Things I Think About


This is the fourth in the guitar chord series: C#M7. For some reason the # symbol and the number always seems out of place to me when I see it in music. It reminds me that music is very mathematical and systematic. It reminds me that underlying all music is order. (I guess that is why it is referred to as an "arrangement.") Without that order music falls apart. I guess, why it seems out of place is that I respond to all music on some emotional level and in that emotional response there is little room for order. However, with such order in music it makes me think that there must be some complimentary system of order that exists inside that processes music and organizes (for lack of a better word) into something that our emotions can connect with. Now, the more I write this the more it all just seems silly. The talk of order and emotions and the relationship between them. Im surely not qualified to write on this topic and I am pretty sure that this is not the forum. Either way... these are the things that I think about as I paint and listen to music and daydream about the chords and structure and color and sounds and in all of this is an answer to something I am sure...Enjoy!
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.01 - Whiskey

It Was His Drink And I Was Thinking Of Him


I decided I would mix up a highball tonight because that was his drink and I was thinking of him. I remember he would come visit us in the summer when I was a boy and he would sit out in the sun in a folding chair in the center of the backyard with his shirt off drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and the top of his head would be beet red with sun burn but he didn't care. He was peaceful out there and he would ask me to fetch him a tomato from the garden that he planted out back and he would eat it just like an apple and then he would ask me to grab another beer for him and he would let me take the first sip of the beer and then laugh as I made a sour face and shook my head side to side and said it tasted gross but secretly I loved it. I loved all of it; his visits, the sun, the garden, the back yard, taking sips of his cold beer in the summer heat, the tomatoes, the way he could sit quietly out there and seem just fine with that. So, with that, here is to him and to us and those hours in the summer when life was simple and it consisted of just us two... Enjoy!
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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Daily Keemo - Saturday

These Are The Days That Most People Forget


It is Saturday today. A quiet day. One of those days where you stay around the house and everyone is a bit quiet and you watch movies and you grab a snack from the fridge because you're a bit melancholy but not really that hungry and someone is off in another room reading and the sound of someone talking on the phone fills the whole house and you lay ink down on pink and blue paint samples and you swear you can hear the pen tip slide across the paper. These are days that I enjoy. We are all here. We are all here...Enjoy!

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.25 - Germany

From Germany. With Love.


Recently, I have been working on some "mail art" projects with artists from other countries. These recent mail projects made me remember the "old days" when you actually took time to sit down and write letters and put effort and thought and creativity into postcards and letters. Now it is all just email and texting and IMing and that jazz and while I am huge proponent of all those things, I still like to see real words on real paper written by a real hand. So, with all that in mind, I decided I'm going to try something a little different with this series. This is a postcard. A real hand made postcard that will be sent just like a real postcard with a real message. This one will not come wrapped up with nicely in an envelope but will travel like nature had intended it. Postage stamp, weather and all! So, with that... Enjoy!
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.24 - Tattoo

Never Judge A Man By The Tattoo On His Neck


I think for this one I am just going to leave the story up to you. This is one of those people that everyone who meets him probably walks away with a slightly different impression. I suppose it should be that way for his portrait as well. With that... Enjoy!
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.22 - Drinking For The Wrong Reasons

A Vague Story About The Effect Others Can Have On Your Heart

or (I drank a little more and probably for the wrong reasons)


I remember when he left I walked around with a heavy heart for about a year. I am pretty sure that during this time I drank a little more and probably for the wrong reasons. I am pretty sure many of those sleepless nights where because of him leaving. I am pretty sure that I caught myself at times just staring out of window a long way from that moment. However, it wasn't depression, it wasn't sadness, it was simply this strange void inside in the spot where he used to reside. As time passed though, I realized that in a way I was free from him now and lugging my heavy heart around was no real way to exist as a human being. I also realized that all those things he had said had no truth and I could begin living the life that I wanted to live. Who "he" is in this story, is not important. What is important, is I suppose many of us have a "he" in our lives and we just need to see that life is good all around and we all have value and the tricky part is just seeing our own value when we look at the mirror into ourselves and no longer see something in us that really doesnt exist. With that, here is to learning that life opens up when you walk without a heavy heart ... Enjoy!

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.21 - WWKeemoD

The Bible Has Trouble Proving Something


This is the 13th in the "Book of Facts" series. I was going through a bunch of books that were stored away in boxes. I ran across this old book of facts. It is just page after page of wierd facts. After about 2 pages, I thought, "this is perfect!" On the others in this series, I would highlight two or three facts on the page but for this one, there seemed to be just one fact that was worth pointing out. Fact: "It cannot be proved by the bible that Jesus Christ ever smiled." I'm not sure what to make of it... but you know that is what makes this fact a good one. So, with that...Enjoy!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.18 - Loss

Too Sterile For Moments Like These


I was 25 when he died. He died laying there in bed while all of us sat around looking at him. The sound fell out of the air and the air fell out of the room. It seems silly but I knew it was now time to buy my first suit. I remember the light in the room was very white and bright and cold and I thought to myself that it was too sterile in there for a moment like this. I suppose when you have moments like this there are no right ways for them to happen. They happen. And that is how it works. My mother sat on the bed next to him. All five of us kids were scattered around the room. I remember my sister had her arm around me. We sat quietly and all looked at him for a long time. I learned a lot about him in those quiet moments right then.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.17 - Pretty In Pink

Isn't She?

Those of you who follow my work, know that I occassionally (well a little more than occassionally) get emails from people who suggest subject matter for a painting. I try do do my best to accommodate. It is a good way to not get in a rut of doing the same thing over and over. That leads to this email that read, "What about doing an all pink painting?" (for some reason, I always think of the Psychedelic Furs song when I think of Pink. Who hasn't sung along with that song at one time or another?) Anyway, here is to all of you who keep sending me great ideas. As long as you keep sending, I will keep painting them. With that ... Enjoy!
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.15 - Mail Art

I Can See Lots Of Reasons To Start Praying

Recently, I have been working on some "mail art" projects with artists from other countries. These recent mail projects made me remember the "old days" when you actually took time to sit down and write letters and put effort and thought and creativity into postcards and letters. Now it is all just email and texting and IMing and that jazz and while I am huge proponent of all those things, I still like to see real words on real paper written by a real hand. So, with all that in mind, I decided I'm going to try something a little different with this one. This is actually a postcard. A real hand made postcard that will be sent just like a real postcard with a real message. This one will not come wrapped up with nicely in an envelope but will travel like nature had intended it. Postage stamp, weather and all! So, with that... Enjoy!

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.13 - The Economy

10 More Reminders That Creativity Is Not Linked To The Economy

This is the second set in this series. The first set was with penny rolls but I figured that since things to appear to only be getting worse I thought I would up the ante a bit and move on to nickles. Thats right. Nickles. The way things are going, it sounds like it is going to be necessary to move up to the dimes. Don't even get me going on the quarters. Well, with that... Enjoy!
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.12 - Sore Head

Moments Are Strung Together With Other Moments

I often think that life is made up of small moments that exist independently from the moment before or after them. My paintings are always about these brief moments. However, all of us know that this is really not the truth. Moments are really strung together with other moments almost like christmas tree lights. Let me try to explain using my life last night. It is important to understand that there was a number of things that had to get done last night. (I'll save explaining why) Anyway, there was lot that needed to get done. So, in my typical fashion I started working on something that wasn't on the "need to get done" list and started on the "want to get done" list. So, I started with replacing the clutch lever on my motorcycle. It was getting cold out in the garage, so I was hurrying. It wasn't working out like I had planned. The thing stalls when I kick into first gear. Ugh.. So, that ends up taking longer than I had planned and now I am behind on getting the other stuff done. So, I hurriedly, go about other things on the list. Then I reach the item on the list that reads "pick up bed from moms house". So, my daughter volunteers to drive and I'm still hurrying around. She goes and starts the truck. Its dark and cold and rainy now. So, I see that the garage door is still open. So, I hit the garage door and it starts to close. Just then I think. "I should probably bring some tools to take the bed apart. So, I hit the garage door button again, stopping the door just about face level. I duck under the half open garage door and rush into the garage gathering up my tools that were all spread around from working on my motorcycle earlier. (Did I mention it is cold and rainy and I am hurrying?) So, I gather up the tools I need, turn and make a beeline out of the garage, looking down at the tools in my hand and completely forgetting that the garage door is not open all the way. With a fast paced walk, I walked directly into the lowhanging garage door with it catching me right across the eyebrows and forehead. It literally knocked me right to the ground. I got up still in a hurry and went to the truck only to see my daughter laughing hysterically (I mean hysterically) because she thougth I was joking around. We proceeded to get the bed and now my forehead has some nice scratches directly between my eyes. As I was riding along in the truck, feeling the ache in my skull and feeling a little dizzy, I couldnt help to think how all the moments prior to hitting my head, were actually leading me directly to that moment. So, with that very, very long story, here is a portait of the scratches on my forehead and a portrait of life when you try to fit more into a day than you have time to do so... Enjoy!

(Sidenote: My daughter told me later that I was laying on the ground for about one minute. I thought it was 5 seconds. Yikes!)
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.11

The Songs Ended And Started And Ended And Started

I am tired. It was one of those long days. My eyes are a bit dark and a bit swollen and I am feeling like I just want to go to sleep. I got home late. The house is already quiet. I grabbed a Leinenkugel out of the fridge, opened it, and took a swig. I walked up to the desk and looked at the half finished paintings spread out and turned to my right and put some music on. (The Postal Service if you are wondering) It was perfect. I grabbed a new sheet of paper and worked on this painting. The Leinenkugel went down well and the songs ended and started and ended and started and the work for today is finally complete. It's time to turn off the lights and go upstairs... Enjoy!

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.10 - Ninja

Election Day Ninja

I was standing in line at the polls this morning daydreaming and I was thinking about what I was going to paint tonight. The two people who were in front of me in line were perfect portrait candiates but that will have to wait until later. Then the person behind me commented on my ninja button I was wearing. (The first Keemo Ninja button Series 1 - Button #1. Sorry had to keep that one for myself.) So, we started talking about painting and art and she said I should do an election day painting. So, I have been thinking about it on and off all day and decided it was best to do an Election Day Ninja.(Im not one for painting flags, candidates, start and stripes, bald eagles all that jazz. It not that Im not necessarily patriotic. Im just not one to paint it). Now, while the Ninja doesnt show its colors while lurking around in the dark unnoticed you can bet that underneath that black outfit are his true colors reflecting in the stainless steel of his throwing stars... I have a feeling that tonight he will celebrate... With that... Enjoy!
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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.06 - Friends

Chase Our Painting And Writing With Drink And More Drink


I remember when we were back in school and we were close friends. His mom had just died from cancer that year and his dad was deep, deep, deep into the drink. He was raising himself at that point. It didn't help matters that I didnt have much supervision either. We leaned on each other that is for sure. A painting could be made about every night from those years and every morning was cloudy and hazy and there were blocks of time missing and we would start it all over again and we would chase our painting and writing with drink and more drink and other stuff that puts people in jail and with no supervision it was a life that was equal parts Bukowski and Henry Miller and I'm not sure how we made out on the other side in one peice. Well, maybe not in one piece but we made out and here is to him and for still being there even though there are miles and years between us and those days... Enjoy!
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.05 - Music To My Ears

Its Ok To Let The Notes Fall Off The Strings Like Leaves

This is the third in the guitar chord series. I remember when I learned this chord (and all the other chords that require that you lay your finger across all the strings). I could barely do it. I would strum the chord and it sounded horrible. Those first few days I would strum and get to that last string and it would twang or thud or something. I must have been 14 or so and I think that at the age I was still driven by the idea I was going to be a rock star. The more I learned about the guitar and being in a band and gigs and MTV the less I believed my own illusion with myself as a musician. I was probably 17 or so. (I just don't have that "inner rockstar". It's not who I am) I am pretty sure that every kid who picks up a guitar at that age probably goes through the same progression. With that said, that was the best thing that I could have learned and I think about that often when I pick up the guitar and play it simple and easy with no big ideas and no big dreams and the notes fall off the strings like leaves and it just seem like the way music should be made. I'll leave the other stuff to the real rockstars. With that...Enjoy!
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Monday, November 3, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.03 - Hope

At The Intersection of Money and Hope Series - #1 - 1948

This is the first painting in a new series called "At The Intersection of Money and Hope". This particular painting is on 100 shares of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company that was purchased in 1948. (Yes, this is are real shares) Lets take a quick look at what happened with the PRR:

The Pennsylvania Railroad was an American railroad, founded in 1846. Commonly referred to as the "Pennsy," the PRR was headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The PRR was the largest railroad by traffic and revenue in the U.S. throughout the Twentieth Century and was at one time the largest publicly traded corporation in the world. At its peak, it controlled about 10,000 miles (16,000 km) of rail line. During its history, the PRR merged with or had an interest in at least 800 other rail lines and companies. The PRR corporation still holds the record for the longest continuous dividend history: it paid out annual dividends to shareholders for more than 100 years in a row. The budget for the PRR was larger than that of the U.S. government and they employed approximately 250,000 workers. In 1968, the Pennsylvania Railroad merged with its rival, the New York Central Railroad, to form Penn Central Transportation. The ICC required that the ailing New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad be added in 1969. A series of events including inflation, poor management, abnormally harsh weather and the withdrawal of a government-guaranteed 200-million-dollar operating loan forced the Penn Central to file for bankruptcy protection on June 21, 1970. The Penn Central rail lines were then divided between Conrail and Amtrak.

Normally, I would put my own comment or story on these peices but I think this story speaks for itself and probably speaks to all us to some degree.... Enjoy!
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.30 - Lenny

I Don't Make A Habit Of It

I don't make a habit of doing portraits of famous people. It's not really my thing I guess. I have only done a handful over the years. Well, after listening to some old Lenny Bruce recordings a couple weeks ago, I decided that a Lenny Bruce painting was in order. I won't go on about why I might consider a Lenny Bruce portrait to be necessary because he is the kind of person that speaks (spoke) for himself and nothing I paint or draw or say or write will really have any bearing on your impression of him whatsoever. (that is the trouble with portraits of famous people, I tell ya) Well, with that... Here's Lenny...Enjoy!
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.29 - Mime

A Priest A Rabbi and A Mime Walk Into A Bar

We were talking last night and somehow the subject of mimes and clowns came up. ("you should paint a mime!" one of them said) I guess, I have always been kind of wierded out by mimes. The fact they dont talk makes me very edgy. I get the same way when I talk to people who are wearing big costumes, like at Disney World. I don't know, call me wierd. Anyway, I got thinking that I had never even tried to paint one, so I figured what the hay! Lets do a mime and see what happens... Enjoy! ( BTW, they still wierd me out) Oh hey, if any real mimes are reading this drop me a quick email and say hi. And also, if there any real mimes reading, no offense.
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Monday, October 27, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.27 - Dang Computer

The Original Story Was Really Much Better

I just finished writing this story when my computer crashed and I lost the whole thing. (I am sure there is Apple vs PC commercial somewhere in here) It was a story about how I had to drive through downtown because my normal exit was closed and how while waiting I was mistaking waving at a guy who was waving a taxi and this painting was him. I suppose I could try and rewrite what it is that I wrote but somehow it just seems like an empty attempt at forging your own work. Kind of takes the creativity out of it. (Know what I mean?) Well, I guess that it is it then. Waving to a man who I thought was waving at me but was really waving at a taxi. The original story was really much better. I miss it already...Enjoy!
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.25 - Lotto Loser

Lately, Listening To NPR Makes You Do Things You Normally Wouldn't Do

I had been driving for a long time listening to NPR and all they talked about was the economy and recession and 401Ks and people preparing to jump out of windows and the stock market and I am pretty sure one economist actually predicted the end of the world as we know it. (and yes, I feel fine) That leads me next to standing in a long line at the gas station. I was daydreaming about all that stuff and thought, "what the hell, I'm going to play the lotto." I laid 3 dollars down and as I drove home I briefly entertained the idea of winning the "Mega Millions." "I could paint all day," I thought to myself. I thought of all the people who I would send money to. The list was long. Well, needless to say, I didn't win. Just like millions of other people around the world who were driving home from the gas station envisioning a different life. Well, maybe I'll try again next week. Or maybe not... Enjoy!

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.24 - Art and the Economy

10 Reminders That Creativity Is Not Linked To The Economy

All you hear about now is either the economy and the election. Now, Im not one to mix politics and art. Never have. (To me it is like using motor oil as topping for your ice cream sundae. Thats just me though.) That leaves the economy and all the surrounding stuff and I suppose that there is some politics in there with it but at least money (or lack of it) is something that we can have some tangible relationship with which leads me to a daydream this afternoon about how to actually comment on this place we are all at. (I mean everyone else shares their two cents, right?) So, with that, I thought I would share my two cents with these drawings... Actually, it is my 250 cents! ... Enjoy!
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.23 - Music

Are You Sleeping

I thought it was appropriate to do her portrait on this music because she is always asleep while I am down here working away on these paints and pens and paper and emails and all the other stuff that gets strung along on this journey. Sometimes, when it gets really late, say 3:00 AM, she will come to the top of the stairs and ask if I am doing alright. Usually by that hour I have lost track of time and it is a good reminder that I still do have an alarm clock to wake up to only a few hours away. It's not long after that, the lights go out over the desk and I slide into the warm bed and feel her lying there, sleeping soundly. Our legs or hand will touch and I always know at that moment that I am the luckiest man on earth... Enjoy!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.21 - Man And Beast

Good For Man And Beast. 1889.

119 years ago you could get away with this. You could get away with promoting a product to be good for you AND your beast. The list on the left the illustration lists the "Cures For Man" and the list on the right lists "Cures for Beast". And if that doesn't win you over for this lovely, one-stop product, the catchy tag-line that reads, "Cures Garget, Sore Teats and Bags, and all Sores and Sweelings on Cow and Oxen." Hey, if it helps the sore bags and teats it must do wonders for facial wrinkles! Either way, fun stuff from a time long ago when man and beast sipped from the same medicine spoon... Enjoy!
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Monday, October 20, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.20 - TV

Let Our Brains Run Free A Bit

This is another one of those that I think I will leave the story out of it. I have to remind myself sometimes that not all the blanks need to be filled in. That sometimes we all need to let our brains run free a bit. So, this is one up to you...Enjoy!
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.19 - The Guitar Player

The Guitar Player

I have been playing guitar for many years. Please note, this should not, in any way, suggest that I am a good guitar player. I can play along with most things and fake most everything else. This may help explain the numerous guitar references. (I also picked up the drums a couple years ago but they are just not as much fun to draw. Sorry to all the drummers who are reading.) One of these days I'll figure out how to do it. Anyway, it really is just about the music, regardless of what you play, how you play it, who you play it with or even who you play it for. I guess that it is it...Enjoy! (now where is that pick?) (Story included on back of card)

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.17 - 3 Drawings

3 Lines From Who I Am Listening To Right Now

I have been listening to them all evening. The entire playlist loaded on the computer has been playing through for the last couple hours. I suppose like most music you either really really like them or you don't. They either move you or they don't. It is less like work when they are on in the background. So, here is to them, for making great music and inspiring many a painting...Enjoy! (can you name who it is? don't google it either. give your best guess. Steve and Kathy, don't tell anyone)
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.15 - Dream

It Is Not Always Bad To Talk To Strangers

We were standing in line at the ferry waiting to board the boat to get back over the the mainland. We were all a little tired, so we were all keeping pretty quiet as we watched waves roll in and ducks dive for food underwater. That is when I started listening to the lady next to me who was talking about a horrible dream she had the night before. She was very extraverted and involved everyone within earshot of her into the story. We made eye contact and she then included me in one the story as well. She went on to talk about how she was a tree in her dream and someone had severed one of her branches not knowing it was actually her. She said the pain was excruciating. She said she could feel her roots dig in for more nutrients to help repair the cut. "So, then what happened?" asked her friend. "I woke up!" she said. "That is a crazy dream," I said. "I know! Isnt it?" I turned back to our group, "Well, I think I just got an idea for another drawing"... Well, here she is in her dream...Enjoy!
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.14 - At The Movies

50 Foot Movies For $2.00

I was gone this weekend. When I got back there was the mail from Friday and Saturday on the counter. There was a 6"x9" yellow envelope in the stack. Just like the ones that I send alot of paintings in. (you know the ones). I skipped past all the bills, junk mail, magazines and go right for the yellow envelope. In the space where the return address should have been it just said "A Collector." I opened it up a bit cautiously. There was no note inside but the rest of the contents were wonderful. Clippings from old newspapers and magazines. Some even had dates written in pencil on them. So, to whoever you are, (I know you are reading) thanks for the wonderful clippings. Thanks for taking the time to package them up and send them out. (I wish you would have included a note and a name so I could return the favor). Well, until you come forward, here is the first from yours stack. 50Ft. movies for $2.00... Enjoy! (Oh yeah, and those titles are a bit adult-ish. At least for 1957 standards)
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Monday, October 13, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.13 - Boston 1930

Strangers' Directory. Boston. 1930.


Some of you may remember a couple pieces recently that were based on a 1930 travel guide of Boston called the "Strangers' Directory" This is a portrait on the cover of that portrait. Just as I was saying on the other pieces, I can't help but think of the Boston tourist council sitting around a table trying to come up with this marketing campaign. "Well, what do we want to call these strangers coming in from out of town?" "How about strangers?" "That is a great idea!" "Strangers it is!" I could go on and on for all the other fun things surrounding the "Strangers Directory" but I think its best left up to your imagination. Have fun!...Enjoy!
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.08 - Kindness

I Guess I Have The Rain To Thank


It was raining hard when I pulled into the Post Office parking lot. As I quickly pulled the door handle to get out the guy next to me was doing the same thing. Our doors nearly collided. He waved me on, "You go ahead!" he shouted. I quickly got out and ran into the post office to get out of the rain. Inside there was a long line. I was standing there at the end of the line with my packages when I felt this huge presence behind me. It was the guy who let me know out of the car. "Why don't you go ahead of me. You let me out of the car." I stepped aside and gestured for him to move in front of me. "Naaahhhhh. There needs to be more kindness in the world," he said, peering down at me. He was soaking wet. I don't think he ran to get inside like I did. The line was long, so we kept talking. We talked about the economy and politics and we joked a bit and laughed a bit and he was really a genuine and kind person and I couldn't help but think that under different circumstances we would have probably never started talking. I guess I have the rain to thank. Finally, after about 15 mintues, it was my turn. We shook hands and wished each other luck and I went to open counter. As I waited for the woman to figure my postage to Mexico, I turned and saw him a ways down the counter. I turned a little further and looked at the long line behind me. Not one of those people where talking to each other. I guess I have the rain to thank... Enjoy!
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Monday, October 6, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.06 - Hotel

The Drury Inn. Austin, Texas. 9.6.08 - Room Key Series #4


Travel. I love to travel. I like being out of my element. I like finding myself in situations that I don't know the outcome before I arrive. I often pack up the paints and ink and paper and work while traveling. (It sure beats flipping channels through bad tv shows alone in a hotel room waiting for the morning.) I have been trying to think of a way to incorporate the places I go directly into my artwork. Well, it hit me when I returned from a stay in Canton, MI a few months ago and found the room key still in my pocket from the hotel I had checked out of earlier that morning. Thats it! So with that, here is to travelling and letting yourself experience new things, meeting new people and being flexible enough to try and enjoy everything... Enjoy
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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.04 - Mummy

Mummy For Angie

Keemo fans are the best. "Fans" is probably the wrong word. That implies something about me that really doesn't give the right impression of the reality that is here at the desk every night. (Bands have "fans", people like Brad Pitt and Oprah have "fans") I think "Friends" would be more appropriate. Well, here is a painting by request from someone who always emails me great ideas and inspirational images. So, here is to you Angie, for all the great emails you send with your great web finds and ideas...Enjoy!

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.02 - Paris

Portrait On A Paris Postcard #16


This is the 16th and final piece in the "Paris Postcard" series. I was looking over my bookshelf and there was a bunch of papers shoved between a couple books. Among other things there were a bunch of postcards that were of different photos taken in Paris during the 1920's. This one in particular is called "The Louvre". All the postcards are very Paris and they make me want to travel and get out of the US for a while and see the other parts of the world where things are new and even simple things are filled with wonder. With that, here is the last and number 16 of the series... Enjoy!
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Daily Keemo 10.01 - King

I Think I'm Turning Japanese


This seems to be happening more and more. I get requests for certain subjects. It happens a few times a week now. It reminds me of when I was in middle school and we would call the local radio station and request a song and then listen all night waiting to hear it. If you were lucky, the DJ would say something like, "By request, here are The Vapors Turning Japanese for Jeff, Matt and Keemo!" and we would all be like "No waayyyyyyyyy he said our names! How awesome!!!!!" We were goofs. Anyway, with that in mind... "By request, this "King" goes out to Joy in beautiful Southern California"... Enjoy!
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