Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.02 - Music For The Masses

These Are The Things I Think About


This is the fourth in the guitar chord series: C#M7. For some reason the # symbol and the number always seems out of place to me when I see it in music. It reminds me that music is very mathematical and systematic. It reminds me that underlying all music is order. (I guess that is why it is referred to as an "arrangement.") Without that order music falls apart. I guess, why it seems out of place is that I respond to all music on some emotional level and in that emotional response there is little room for order. However, with such order in music it makes me think that there must be some complimentary system of order that exists inside that processes music and organizes (for lack of a better word) into something that our emotions can connect with. Now, the more I write this the more it all just seems silly. The talk of order and emotions and the relationship between them. Im surely not qualified to write on this topic and I am pretty sure that this is not the forum. Either way... these are the things that I think about as I paint and listen to music and daydream about the chords and structure and color and sounds and in all of this is an answer to something I am sure...Enjoy!

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1 comment:

thisisnotabloggerblog3 said...

Hi Keemo, I really dig your style.
I have awarded you a 'prize' in my blog. You can pick it up if you like.