Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Daily Keemo 11.12 - Sore Head

Moments Are Strung Together With Other Moments

I often think that life is made up of small moments that exist independently from the moment before or after them. My paintings are always about these brief moments. However, all of us know that this is really not the truth. Moments are really strung together with other moments almost like christmas tree lights. Let me try to explain using my life last night. It is important to understand that there was a number of things that had to get done last night. (I'll save explaining why) Anyway, there was lot that needed to get done. So, in my typical fashion I started working on something that wasn't on the "need to get done" list and started on the "want to get done" list. So, I started with replacing the clutch lever on my motorcycle. It was getting cold out in the garage, so I was hurrying. It wasn't working out like I had planned. The thing stalls when I kick into first gear. Ugh.. So, that ends up taking longer than I had planned and now I am behind on getting the other stuff done. So, I hurriedly, go about other things on the list. Then I reach the item on the list that reads "pick up bed from moms house". So, my daughter volunteers to drive and I'm still hurrying around. She goes and starts the truck. Its dark and cold and rainy now. So, I see that the garage door is still open. So, I hit the garage door and it starts to close. Just then I think. "I should probably bring some tools to take the bed apart. So, I hit the garage door button again, stopping the door just about face level. I duck under the half open garage door and rush into the garage gathering up my tools that were all spread around from working on my motorcycle earlier. (Did I mention it is cold and rainy and I am hurrying?) So, I gather up the tools I need, turn and make a beeline out of the garage, looking down at the tools in my hand and completely forgetting that the garage door is not open all the way. With a fast paced walk, I walked directly into the lowhanging garage door with it catching me right across the eyebrows and forehead. It literally knocked me right to the ground. I got up still in a hurry and went to the truck only to see my daughter laughing hysterically (I mean hysterically) because she thougth I was joking around. We proceeded to get the bed and now my forehead has some nice scratches directly between my eyes. As I was riding along in the truck, feeling the ache in my skull and feeling a little dizzy, I couldnt help to think how all the moments prior to hitting my head, were actually leading me directly to that moment. So, with that very, very long story, here is a portait of the scratches on my forehead and a portrait of life when you try to fit more into a day than you have time to do so... Enjoy!

(Sidenote: My daughter told me later that I was laying on the ground for about one minute. I thought it was 5 seconds. Yikes!)
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