Saturday, December 27, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.27 - Happiness

I Will Take Two Of Those And Call You In The Morning


I know this seems obvious but you really gotta do what you makes you happy. I'm going to go on a limb here and say that most of us pass most of our days doing a whole bunch of stuff that we do for every other reason but happiness. Odds are there is a job you that would rather not be done and then there is all the time you waste in a car daydreaming in a traffic jam or in a line somewhere or you can insert another place you were or thing you did that was for every other reason than happiness. I can think of a few off hand right now but I'll save those for another day. Then there are the other times, the times in between those moments when you find yourself doing something that actually makes you happy and you are doing it for no other reason other than it makes you happy. I know this seems off track with this painting but it isnt. This is one of those times for me. The time when you allow yourself to paint a silly portrait and paste it to a silly wood veneer and the only reason is because it makes you smile when you do it. Does there always need to be a reason other than that? I hope not. With that... Enjoy!

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