Sunday, March 22, 2009

Daily Keemo. 3.22. When The Destination Is Irrelevant The Path To Get There Is Not

When The Destination Is Irrelevant The Path To Get There Is Not

I was driving down the highway in the rental car with the windows down and it was 71 and my winter jacket was balled up in the passengers seat and I reached over and turned off the radio and just listened to the wind blow through the car and I was daydreaming like I always do when I am driving down the highway. The sky was a brilliant blue and the clouds where a brilliant white and everything seemed brilliant like they always do when I daydream. I drove like that for a while and then finally turned the radio back on and I skimmed through the channels and stopped at an old Kinks song and turned it up and just kept on driving...Enjoy!
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1 comment:

ME said...

Hi Keemo, love your art, keep it up!