Sunday, January 3, 2010

Daily Keemo. 01.03. There Was Nothing To Mix With It

There Was Nothing To Mix With It (portrait of guy at grocery story in Gaslight)

There was nothing to mix it with so I ran to the store to get some tonic and a lime and while I was there I figured I would grab some crackers to go with the cheese and olives and all the other good stuff she picked up at Russo's on 29th St. As I put my stuff on the belt in the lane, I look up to see that the guy in front of me is frantically patting the pockets of his pants and checking his coat for his wallet but he is not having any luck and I look down and see a six pack of beer and a bag of chips that is waiting for someone to pay for them. It is at this point that we all realize that he obviously is not finding his wallet. I can honestly say that I have never found myself in this situation but it is indeed one of those situations where you have to stop and ask a little something of who you are and what is important to you and frankly, it is not that hard to put yourself in his shoes and feel a bit bad. I push my stuff forward into his and say, "I got it," while pointing to his beer and chips. "No, you don't have to do that," he says. "Ah, it is no big deal. Don't worry about it." I say. "Really?" he questions. "Yes," I say. We made small talk while the cashier rang everything up and he seemed like a nice guy and we headed in different directions and as I walked out into the Michigan cold, I couldn't help but think that we are faced with things all the time that should make us pause and ask a little something of who we are but it just never seems to work out that way and in the end it isn't good for anyone until we do.

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