Friday, May 1, 2009

by Keemo. 5.1. Many Miles And Years From Algebra Daydreams

Many Miles And Years From Algebra Daydreams


I have been attempting to write a story about why this newspaper clipping from 1977 was particularly meaningful to me but it just keeps coming out a little off. Going over the story of how I discovered Anais Nin around the age of 15 seems a bit corny for some reason tonight. It was during the Henry Miller phase I was going through and I spent hours in those books and when I was daydreaming in Algebra class, I was in Paris in the 1930's because no one at that age in the desks around me knew what any of that stuff was all about...the writing and painting and music and all the other stuff that if you read the books you know what I mean and somewhere inside I needed to get away from that small town and I suppose eventually I did and I think I found my Anais and I have been with her ever since... I guess I will just leave it at that for tonight... Enjoy!
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