Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Daily Keemo 02.26

The Things We Abandon When It Doesn't Stop The Crying.
(Click Picture)

I sat in my seat on the plane drawing most of the way home. There was a mother with a small baby in the seat in front of me. The baby was not particularly excited about being stuck on the plane. (like most of us, I suppose) I turned my headphones up to drown out the crying and worked away on some pictures. I sat back and was thinking about what to draw next when I saw the baby's pink, stuffed bunny wedged between the two seats in front of me. The mother must have abandoned it as a method of getting the baby to stop crying. Well, you know the saying; one crying babys loss is another painters gain. So, here is to all the things that we abandon when it doesn't stop the crying...Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Kris Cahill said...

Great title and story. And a beautiful painting too. You have me thinking about such things now, the power of a well placed sentence.