Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daily Keemo. 8.27. These Are The Paintings That Make A Painter.

These Are The Paintings That Make A Painter


I really don't try to take myself too seriously. I think if I did I would have given up painting along time ago. I probably would have given up alot of other things as well over the years. Heck, maybe that's just a coping mechanism or something but either way it is what makes it possible to paint a duck that looks like this and feel just fine about it. Honestly, I think it is the first painting of a duck that made me smile. (except for Daffy Duck of couse). Anyway, not much of a story I know, but it's OK, it is not about the story, it's about the duck and not taking yourself and your art so seriously that you can't enjoy it... Enjoy!

PS. I just want to drop a quick hello to Marie who suggested the duck. She actually has pet Rouen ducks. (It is nice to live in a world where people can choose to have pet ducks, isnt it?) Sorry this doesn't have a green head like yours.
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