Monday, June 8, 2009

Daily Keemo. 6.8. All These Things.

All These Things

  I have started this story 5 times. Really. I guess I'm not sure what is the exact point that I am trying to get across here. The first time was a story about this drawing.  The second was a story about where this great guitar chord card came from that is used in this drawing. (They came from Studio 216. If you are near Dallas/Ft Worth, I highly recommend a visit to the gallery. "tell em' keemo sent ya!") The third was about wonderful people, that do wonderful things and when you see them you can tell they are surrounded by others who enjoy these wonderful people for the wonderful things that they do. The fourth story was about how friendship can span time and distance if you allow it to and how it is possible to understand some people better in a few days than some in a life time. That brings me to this story; The Fifth Story, which I guess is about all these things; friendship, time, distance, kindness, giving, music, people, texas, mail, not to mention Studio 216 and the Granbury Gang and all the other things that connect us and made it possible for this piece to happen. Wow, that sounds pretty lofty and I am not sure what is more abstract; this drawing or this story. Either way, I know there is something here for us all and if we tilt our heads just right, both the drawing and the story make just enough sense, that there really is no abstraction at all... Enjoy!
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