Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Daily Keemo. 6.17. Not So Old Time Sake #2.

Not So Old Time Sake


Wednesday night, listening to Pandora, painting some ACEOs for (not so) old time sake. Listening to a Ratatat station with others like Dosh, The Octopus Project, Mute Math and others sliding through the playlist. This all stemmed from a discussion earlier with 16 year olds after hearing "Blue Monday" and they said, "Who is that?" and I felt old once again and this seems to be happening more and more. The good thing is it was a question of real interest and not one of disgust as in what is this old fogey crap. (I must be doing something right as a parent, right) Anyway, just good fun and good music and a little painting to go along with it all...Enjoy!
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Cecilie Dahlerup said...

Once you could try to make one on a news paper. with the text in the background.I think it would be cool. (:

Keemo said...

Thanks for the comment! Sounds like a great idea! Cheers!