Friday, June 13, 2008

Daily Keemo 06.13 - Sweeney Todd

How I Spent My Christmas Eve.
or The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street. 1938.


"Have you thought about doing a religious painting?" her email asked. To which I replied, "Hell no!" Of course, I was kidding around. (The keywork being "hell". I thought it was funny at the time.) It really isn't very funny now that I write it again. Oh well... so, I set out to do a "religious painting". This could mean many things to many people but at this stage in my life I may be lacking a bit in the religious inspiration area. I guess I'm not even sure what it means anymore to do a "religious painting". Does it have to be Jesus, Buddha, John the Baptist, a dove with an olive branch flying over clouds with gates and there is a hostess table by the gates and the hostess tells you there will be about a 45 minute wait and they will call you when you when your table is ready. I'm a bit off track I suppose. Well, one sidenote about this painting, is if you look at the background of this 1938 movie advertisement, you will see the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Recently, remade and known as Sweeny Todd. (Yes, the one with Johnny "everyone-swoons-over-me" Depp) Well, on Christmas eve (one of the most religious of holidays) the three of us wanted to do something a little out of the ordinary for the Christmas holiday. So, one of the things we did is we went and saw Sweeny Todd on Christmas Eve. There was lots of blood and only two other people in the theater and throats were slit and there were meat pies and I cringed every single time someone fell head first through the floor and when we finally got out of the theater the snow was falling and it was dark and we were all laughing about how we were spending our Christmas Eve and we were smiling about all being together and in the end that is what matters. With all that said, there has to be a religious painting in here somewhere...Enjoy!
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