Thursday, August 5, 2010

Daily Keemo. 8.5. It Was Before The Pedal Went Through The Floor #2

It Was Before The Pedal Went Through The Floor #2
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It was last year that he went off the deep end and drove his car, with the pedal to the floor, down the main street in town and he didn't stop at the lights or the stop signs and he just tried to ram his car into anything else on the road and I think someone may have died while he did this.

It seems strange now but I remember when I was in high school he was my friend and we were both in "art club" after school and we shot a movie on one of these 8mm cameras. It was called "Smoking" and if I remember it was very short and it was just footage of us smoking and we framed it oddly and put music to it that we wrote and played and we thought we were being pretty creative for living out there in those low rent suburbs with all those kids who wouldn't know art if it was smeared on the label of their jeans. There were only a few of us that got it and by "it" I mean the point to the movie and all the rest of the things we tried to pass off as art during those years.

Eventually, his driving rampage down Main St. came to a stop when his car finally could go on no further and the police got ahold of him and shipped him off to have his brain looked at and I am pretty sure that they are still looking at it. I haven't heard where he is locked up or if the walls have padding. I don't keep in touch with any of the people that would know something like that. I wonder if he still has the Super 8 movie that we made stashed in a box somewhere. I wonder if he even remembers it. I wonder if he was smoking while driving his car like an arrow down the road. I wonder...

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