Friday, October 22, 2010

Daily Keemo. 10.22. The Eight Dollar Ticket From Chicago

The Eight Dollar Ticket From Chicago

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I was going to take the taxi to VanBuren St. and just grab the train from there but I had about 30 minutes to kill so I took the taxi to the next stop and got out at Millenium station. It was rush hour and the corner was mobbed with all walk of city life and there was a wall of sound and car horns and people and the sidewalk flowed like a river going downstream and instead of walking around, I just found a spot and sat and watched. Like a stone in that river, the water of people just flowed around me as if I was a street sign or a trash can or a bus stop. After watching for about 15 minutes I noticed there was a mime directly across from me on the other side of the busy street who was pretending to yell to be heard (of seen) in the mob of uninterested passers by.

I suppose in a city like that, where everyone is anonymous, even the mime needs to yell to be noticed.

I got up, walked back to the train station, found the platform and slipped into a seat on the upper deck on the train. Everyone sat silent in their seats, waiting for the train to depart. It was so quiet, you could have even heard the mime.

... Enjoy!

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