Thursday, June 10, 2010

Daily Keemo. 6.10. I Remember Her Colors Are Purple And Pink

I Remember Her Colors Are Purple And Pink
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The bracelet that she gave me is made of orange rubber and when you take it off it takes the shape of a heart and when you put it back on it just appears to be a rubber band and it is like a secret handshake that only her and I know about. I don't wear it all the time. Just when it seems like the distance between us has grown and also in those late nights over the paints and keys to remind me what is really important and what all this is really about. I remember her colors are a purple and pink and I layer the black on for me and all the other colors fill the space between us.

There will be a day when she will read this and know what it means to have small things that remind us of the big things and in the end that everything I do has something to do with her.

.... Enjoy!

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