Monday, February 1, 2010

Daily Keemo. 02.01. The Luchador

The Luchador (a reminder to step away once in a while)
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When you spend hours over the paints and keys under a desk lamp at early hours of the morning, you start to become those paints and keys and you turn inward too much and you start exploring and thinking and not that there is anything wrong with either of those two things, as a matter of fact, I would highly recommend both of those activities for 100% of the human race, but you just need to know when to temper the large doses of solitude with light hearted thoughts and imagery and ideas and remember that there is a world that does exist beyond the exploring and thinking and that there are many miles beyond the desk lamp and as much as you might not think so, it is then that you can truly create whatever it is that you feel like creating.



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