Sunday, August 2, 2009

Daily Keemo. 8.2. Walking With Thoughts Brings Thoughts When Walking

Walking With Thoughts Brings Thoughts When Walking

I went for a walk and it was dark and there was little noise other than the sounds that came from my feet as they hit the pavement. The neighborhood was quiet and the interiors of houses where lit up and the images played like silent movies in the window frames. As I walked I couldn't help but feel like I have reached a crossroads. Like it is time for a change. Real change. Late night walks do that to you. You question and think and observe and daydream and replay and at the end of the walk the world seems a bit different than when you set out. Now, that I am back at the keyboard and the alarm clock is getting closer and the politics of the corporate world are only hours away, I can't help but feel like I am still at that crossroads, still on that walk, still listening only to myself and the sound of my feet as they hit the pavement again and again and again... Enjoy!
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