Monday, June 1, 2009

Daily Keemo. 6.1. Her Blue Fabric Moved In The Breeze That Carried Words Of Ignorance

Her Blue Fabric Moved In The Breeze That Carried Words Of Ignorance


I had to make a quick run to the store to pick up a few items for dinner. I run in grab the things I need stand in line, make small talk with the cashier, swipe the debit card, grab my stuff and head out the door. I should say that as I do these things Im usually in some daydream land, thinking about things and looking around, its just the way I work. Anyway, as I'm walking down the row of cars, looking around in this daydream land, I see there is woman whos car is near mine, putting her groceries into the trunk of car. As I get closer a car passes by slowly and the occupants of the car start to yell racial slurs and profanity at the woman and she ignores them but they slow more and they keep yelling and she keeps ignoring them and lightly brushes the blue fabric that is wrapped around her head and then they drive off and she never looks up. By the time I am near her, she is done with putting her groceries into the trunk of her car. She looks at me and all that comes out it is, "Well, I was going to say, Nice Day, isnt it? but it isn't I suppose" Then she replies back, "No, it really is." She smiles at me and I am speechless and keep walking as she is right and it is really her call and said it perfectly. I throw my bag into the passenger seat as I slide into the drivers side, I start the car and think to myself that I really have no idea what alot of people go through every day. I put the car in reverse and uneventfully head home to dinner. Enjoy!
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