Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Daily Keemo 12.31 - Bring On The Music

To Be Completely Honest


To be completely honest I have no idea what "hickory dickory dock" means. I suppose I could take a minute and google it and come up with exactly what it means and its origins and who wrote it and the other facts about the song. However, I'm afraid that all that information will take away the special place this song holds in my heart. You see, I grew up on Hickory Street and to all the kids growing up on Hickory, this song had a whole different meaning. There was about 8 of us that ran around back then and when someone sang that song I think all of us swore it was written for us. (we were very young and what the heck was a "dickory dock" anyway). Even now, much older and many miles and years between today and those old days, I still think of Hickory Street and how moms house is still there and how we raced our bikes up and down it and we all grew up there and kissed our first girl there and learned everything we needed to get old and move on and outgrow those days. So, I think maybe I do know what a "hickory dickory dock" is but I am pretty sure it is not what you may find if go out and google it. With that... Enjoy!
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